A Small Picture

In peluche, a wallet, a key ring, a necklace and until in a sphere navideña!!.Las screens LCD are in favor of all sides.To take digital photos has become the pastime of million in the world. Years ago the followers to the subject were not so many, and by those times, you enjoyed to teach your albums filled with memories. The years happen and the old book of memories is being in the forgetfulness. Thousands of photos crowd in your computadora..y few friends have the patience to see them of a tug, so there is to look for the way to share them of a poquitos…Estas are some of it ideas that walk already in the stores of the world so that your arduous work to distribute memories does not become so tedious


41vs6cf6vbl_ss260_.jpg Kept well in your wallet they will be your photos, with which it brings a visualizer of photos including. Guard up to 59 photos that can be transmitted via USB and comes in model for man and woman.

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They are only some of the hundreds of gadgets that there is in the market with integrated screen LCD.